Although Cambridge LSAT doesn’t offer traditional LSAT prep courses, our products are flexible enough that you can use them to supplement such courses. When evaluating LSAT prep courses, there are several factors to consider such as the following:
- Qualifications of the Teachers
- Teacher Effectiveness
- Hours of Instruction
- Breadth and Depth of Materials
- Number of Diagnostic Tests Administered
- Supplemental Help/Instruction Included
- Third-Party Reviews of the Course
If you’re looking for the structure of a full-length LSAT prep course, we recommend Manhattan Prep. Manhattan’s curriculum was designed by 99th-percentile scorers and is particularly geared towards those who are looking to score in the upper echelons on the test. You can preview their books on our prep book excerpts page. Use the coupon code CAMBRIDGELSAT100 to receive a $100 discount off any of their courses! Browse their available courses here. Manhattan now has an awesome new option called LSAT Interact, in which your progress and choices inform the direction of the lessons. You can use the code CLSATINTERACT for $100 off the LSAT Interact course!
If you do the Interact lessons, each takes about two hours, give or take an hour. Homework takes a little while. The lessons are like an extra piece added to reading the strategy guides, so if you are self studying with MLSAT strategy guides, MLSAT interact is a great tool. – itachiuchiha
So I ended up buying this program and I just want to say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made in regards to my prep. It really is as if I have a private tutor walking me through each step. If anyone is on the fence about purchasing this or has any questions, feel free to pm me! – Megstew
@manhattanLSAT So, I have been using interact for 6 weeks now. I have gained 6 points so far from my Feb #LSAT score & Im only on section 5 – Christopher Farrelly
Whatever route you take with your prep, keep in mind that your improvement will largely depend on completing the assigned work and taking advantage of all the provided instruction and supplemental resources.