4.7 / 5 - (271) reviews
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- Features List
- SCRABBLE CARD GAME: Slam is a little different than the traditional game of Scrabble. Slam is very fast-paced and everyone can play at once!
- THE PLAY: Choose a 4 letter word to start play then deal out the remaining cards as evenly as possible. When everyone is ready - the action begins. Any player can play 1 letter card on top of the cards on the table to make a new word. For example: “CAKE” becomes “BAKE” which is turned into “BIKE” then switched to “LIKE” and so on.
- THE WIN: Players continue placing cards as quickly as possible forming new words until someone plays their last card for the win!
- TRAVEL SIZED: It's a card game - of course you can fit it into your carry-on or even a purse!
- PALETTE CLEANSER: Given that game play is very fast paced and goes by quickly, Scrabble Slam is an ideal "palette cleanser" in between longer gaming campaigns on game night!